Veille environnementale
Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et Sécurité Alimentaire
Evaluation Environnementale et Gestion des Risques et Catastrophes
Evaluation Environnementale et Gestion des Risques et Catastrophes
Evaluation Environnementale et Gestion des Risques et Catastrophes

Telly Adama Diepkile, PhD

Expertise: Pedagogical Integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).
Specialties: Remote Sensing including a path in applied geomantic, and Education Sciences.
Post : Assistant Professor and Researcher at the USTTB (University of Sciences, Technics & Technologies of Bamako).
Nationality : Mali.
Address : Faculty of Sciences & Technics (FAST/USTTB)

Main qualifications
    Holding a PhD degree in remote sensing (Canada) after a Master degree of Geodesy/Geomatic (Russia), an ICT for Pedagogical Integration (Canada) and an Engineer degree of Topography (Bamako, Mali), I conduct presently two main activities. On one hand, I dispense some courses in Computer Sciences (Algorithm Complexity), Remote Sensing, and Geomatics in the same University of the Sciences, Technics and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB) in Mali. The other hand, I conduct my researches in association with LOSSA (Laboratory of Optics, Spectroscopy and Sciences of Atmosphere) in the same university.

Academic formations
  • November 2012 : PhD, Remote Sensing including a path in applied geomatic, University of Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • June 2006 : Master, Pedagogy integration of ICT, University of Montreal, Online study.
  • June 2002 : Master, Geodesy in geoinformatics, Moscow State University of Geodesy, Cartography and Aerospace, Russia.
  • December 1993 : Engineer of Topography, National Engineers School of Bamako, Mali.
  • June 1988 : Baccalaureate of Exact Sciences, Lycee Publique de Sevare, Mali.

Additional trainings
  • November 2016 : Atelier sur l'altimetrie du Delta, Training on Multi-missions Altimetry Processing Software (MAPS), GET/OMP/CNRS, Toulouse, France.
  • April-July 2016 : Matsumae International Fundation (MIF) Peace and Research Program, Strengthening Sciences and Techniques of Space in education and applied research programs in Mali : Remote Sensing & GeoSciences, Mie Universite, Tsu, Japan.
  • May 2011 : Session for intercultural orientation, Gatineau, Canada.
  • April 2011 : Juge volontaire à Expos Science Jeunes Talents de Bell, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • January-April 2008 : Computer Science, Object Oriented Programming (POO), University of Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • August 2007 : Session for intercultural orientation, Gatineau, Canada.
  • April 2006 : Win ICT Passport, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) , Bamako, Mali.
  • April 2006 : ICT trainer certificate, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), CNF Bamako, Mali.
  • October 2005 : Meeting, "Université des cinq continents" - Thinking the cultural diversity as a term of creation and professionalization, Timbuktu, Mali.
  • April 2002 : Guided visit, "Stars city" - Center of cosmonauts preparation, Moscow, Russia.

Main fields of expertise
  • Remote Sensing for RADAR Altimetry and Gravity.
  • Geomatics (GIS), Open GIS and Web-mapping.
  • ICT, dynamic Web development.
  • Etc.

Publications, conferences and symposiums
  1. Diepkile, A. T. (2018b) Concept of Educative Information System by the Pedagogical Integration of ICTs. Séminaire de la journée scientifique, DER Mathématique et Informatique, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université des Sciences des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako, 27 Juin 2018.
  2. Normandin, C., Frappart, F., Diepkile, A. T., Marieu, V., Mougin, E., Blarel, F., Lubac, B., Braquet, B. and Ba, A. (2018a) Evolution of the Performances of Radar Altimetry Missions from ERS-2 to Sentinel-3A over the Inner Niger Delta. Remote Sens., Vol.10(6), 833, pp1-27.
  3. Diepkile, A. T., Matsumura, N. (2016b) Atmosphere column water content variability related to drought events in West African Sahel. Conference, Tokyo Meeting, Tokyo, 22-27 Juillet 2016.
  4. Diepkile, A. T. (2016a) Analyse des dépendances entre les perturbations du potentiel de gravité et les variations de stock d'eau en région sahélienne. Réseau EDP-MC (Equations aux Dérivés Partielles, Modélisation et Contrôle), Conférence Internationale, présentation Orale, Bamako, 11-15 janvier 2016.
  5. Diepkile, A. T., Frappart, F., Mougin, E., Fatras, C. Marieu, V., Blarel, F., Borderie, P., Ba, A. (2015c) Monitoring of the Inner Niger delta using altimetry satellites: Water level estimation accuracy and variability of radar backscattering. Atelier AMMA-CATCH, Poster, Sête, France, Octobre 2015.
  6. Frappart F., Fatras C., Mougin E., Marieu V., Diepkile T.A., Blarel F., Borderies P. (2015b). Radar altimetry backscattering signatures at Ka, Ku, C and S bands over West-Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth special issue "Emerging Science and Applications with Microwave Remote Sensing Data", Volumes 83-84, 2015, pp.96-110,
  7. Frappart F., Fatras C., Mougin E., Marieu V., Diepkile T., Blarel F., Borderies P., Grippa M. (2015a). Flood detection using radar altimetry backscattering coefficients: examples over West Africa. "Mapping water bodies from space" conference, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 18-19 March. Poster.
  8. Frappart, F., Mougin, E., Fatras, C., Grippa, M., Borderies, P., Guiro, I., Sambou, B., Diepkile, A.T., Ba, A. (2014). Radar altimetry backscattering signatures at Ka-band over West Africa, TERENO International Conference 2014, September 29th - October 2nd 2014, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany, Poster.
  9. Telly, A. D., Goita, K., Ba, A. (2014) Remote sensing for analysis of the precipitation influence on water level variations in the inner Delta of Niger River. LAM 10th, Oral, Dakar.
  10. Telly Diepkile, A., Goita, K., Ba, A. (2014) Remote sensing for analysis of the precipitation influence on water level variations in the inner Delta of Niger River. LAM 10th, Oral, Dakar.
  11. Goita, K., Diepkile, A. T. (2013) Comparison of satellite altimetric waveform retracking algorithms in the Niger River Delta. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Session 3AK, Poster Session 5. Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12-15, 2013, 1067p.
  12. Telly Diepkile, A. (2012b) Etude de la variabilité spatiale et temporelle du niveau de l'eau dans le Delta intérieur du fleuve Niger par altimétrie satellitaire. Lieu de publication Ann Arbor, United States, ISBN 9780494932193, Volume: 74-08(E), Section: B.; 166 p.
  13. Goita, K., Telly Diepkile, A. (2012a) Radar altimetry of water level variability in the Inner Delta of Niger River. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), IEEE International, DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6352422, pp5262-5265.
  14. Telly Diepkile, A., Goita, K. (2011) Développement de l'algorithme des nuages d'eau pour le retraitement des formes d'onde (ARNE). Symposium canadien de télédétection, affiche, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  15. Telly Diepkile, A., Goita, K. (2010) Etude des variations spatio-temporelles du niveau d'eau du Delta intérieur du fleuve Niger par altimétrie satellitaire. Congrès de l'ACFAS, affiche, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  16. Telly, A. D., Karsenti, T. (2006) L'Intégration pédagogique des Tics comme alternative à la culture de l'excellence dans d'enseignement supérieur au Mali. Rapport de fin d'étude, 3e Cycle Sciences de l'éducation, Université de Montréal, Canada.
  17. Diepkile, A., Chayitoura, C. B. (2002) Les Systèmes d'Informations Géographiques SIG dans la Gestion des réssources naturelles et des problèmes écologiques au Mali. Mémoire de Master, Université d'état de Moscou en Géodésie, Cartographie et Aérospatial, Russie, 64p.
  18. Juillet 1998 : Conférence sur le thème de l'exploration spatiale et l'environnement, sous la modération du Dr Cheick Modibo DIARRA, Conférencier, 4ème anniversaire du pathfinder, Bamako, Mali.

Professional experiences
  • Since January 2007 : Assistant Professor, University of Sciences, Technics and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB), Bamako, Mali.
  • October 2018: Developing Web-application SIE-ASS (Educative Information System by pedagogic integration of ICTs, Administration and Monitoring the Scholarship), University of Sciences, Technics and Technologies of Bamako, Bamako, Mali.
  • October 2017 - March 2018: Conception and development of application for ENA integration examination, Ecole Nationale d'Administration, Bamako, Mali.
  • January 2013 - January 2017 : Associated Researcher, Laboratory of Optics, Spectroscopy and the Sciences of Atmosphere (LOSSA), USTTB, Bamako, Mali.
  • February - April 2012 : Assistant Researcher, Program of "Remote sensing for water resources and associated risks in Quebec and Grandes Prairies", CARTEL Center/University of Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • February 2012 : Assistant Teachers, Designing and managing dynamic interactive websites, University of Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • October 2011 - September 2012 : Represent of PhD students, Plenary Assembly of department, University of Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • April 2011 : Judge for the exposure - young talents : "Expos Science Jeunes Talents de Bell", University of Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • June 2009 :Volunteer member of the organization committee, International meeting for water, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
  • January 2004 - August 2007 : Assistant Professor, University of Bamako, Mali.
  • Mars - October 2006 : Consultant, Databases manager for ecology of the Delta RAMSAR site, international NGO - Terra Nova, Bamako, Mali.
  • October 1996 - January 2000 : Supervisor of the Pedagogical Committee of Topography, School of industry, trade and administration (ECICA), Bamako, Mali.
  • April 1996 - January 2000 : Teacher, School of industry, trade and administration (ECICA), Bamako, Mali. 94 - April 1994 : Assistant of the supervisor of the topography team, Potable water supply project (AEP-MALI SUD III), GID, Bamako, Mali.

Computer Sciences and Softwares

  • Dogon : usuel.
  • French : usuel.
  • English : intermediaire.
  • Bambanan : usuel.
  • Russian : intermediaire.

  1. July 2016: The Insigne of Mie University, Tsu, Japan, Prof. Naoto Matsumura, Tel: 03-3301-7600.
  2. July 2016: Matsumae International Fundation (MIF) Medal for Peace and Research, Tokyo, Japan. Shuishi Nakajima, Tel: 03-3301-7600.
  3. October 2012: Centre CARTEL Mixel for PhD, Universite de Sherbrooke, Canada. Kalifa Goita, Tel: 1-819-821-8000.
  4. June 2011: Honour Roll Canada francophonie scholarships, Sherbrooke, Canada. Jeanne Gallagher, Tel: 1-613-563-1236.
  5. April 2006 :Third Senghor price for "Best francophone web sites for Mali", Bamako, Mali.

Sports and Recreation
    Like sports and reading.
    Very apt : I traveled by bicycle a distance of 840 km in order of a cultural and sportive activity (1992), from Bamako to Bandiagara (my village), Mali.

Declaration on honor
    I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. As it may be important for me, as today Malian, to make known about my ideology fo a laity Catholic for peace and justice.

Adama Telly Diepkile, PhD (C)2021

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